Thursday, September 27, 2007

Mold on Wood Paneling

For some people, the threat that is feared the most is the threat that they cannot see. This is understandable, since if you can see your threat, you can assess how you can best deal with it. Something that tends to be a threat to the health of the people in your home is mold growth and if you have this in your home, you may or may not realize it. Sometimes mold is hidden inside the walls, ceiling, or floor, and we will not know without having a mold inspector come to the house and do some testing.

You can do an inspection of your home for visible mold growth, though, fairly easily. Sometimes you will run across a splotchy patch of drywall in your bathroom or other moist room in your home and you will instantly be able to identify that there is a mold problem in the house. Other times, finding the mold will not be this easy, because the mold is simply invisible. At least, when you look at it the wrong way. Finding mold takes a little detective work sometimes and this is best done with a flashlight.

If your home has wooden paneling anywhere inside it and you have a problem with mold in one area of the house, turn the light off in the room with the paneling and shine the flashlight along the surface of the wood. This will give the mold a little bit of depth and it will show up much better than if you shine the light directly onto the surface at a 90 degree angle. These molds usually belong in the genii Aspergillus or Penicillium and are very easily overlooked if you do not use this flashlight method.

You can clean the mold off the wood paneling with chemicals that are advertised as being able to kill mold, but you may want to be careful just what you put on the surface if it is real wood and not imitation of any kind, especially if you plan on keeping it as a part of your home. If the growth returns after a few days or weeks, though, you may want to consider removing it completely, since the growth may be embedded into it.

The reason for wood paneling in some homes is that they have been flooded and the previous owner could not afford to put drywall back in the damaged areas. If you can afford to remove wood paneling that has no drywall behind it, you really should do this. Replace the paneling with paperless drywall, since mold has a harder time growing on these slabs of drywall than others.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
mold removal in Atlanta Georgia and
Water Damage Restoration companies.

Hurricanes and Water Sanitation

The flood waters that wreak havoc on your home when rivers run over their banks or when hurricanes come calling can contain almost anything that you can think of (and some things you can’t) that can be harmful to your health and the health of any pets you may have living with you. If you are unfamiliar with how to prepare for a hurricane, then you may want to do a little research into just what you need to do before the storm hits, especially if you do not plan on leaving your home during that time.

The most important thing that you can have during a hurricane or any other disaster is clean water to drink. You will absolutely not be able to trust the water that comes out of your faucet during the storm, because the local water supply may have been contaminated by sea water, sewage, leaves, sticks, or almost anything else that the wind and water can carry with it. One easy way to get the clean water that you will need for a hurricane is to collect it in milk jugs that you have saved and cleaned out. This is a good alternative to buying a lot of bottled water at the store, especially since it may not be available in the quantity you need by the time you get there.

Purifying water after the storm has already started and you have run out of the supply that you had saved up is not too difficult. If you can get water out of your faucet, you can boil it for at least 10 minutes to get drinking water. If the electricity is off, though, you may not be able to boil anything and you may have to result to water purification tablets, which can be purchased at most outdoor supply stores. Hikers and campers take these with them often, especially when going into the wilderness to camp and not staying at a camp area near town.

The water damage to your home may be very little or extensive, depending on how close to the flooded area of town you are. Your windows should have been boarded up to help prevent the panes from being broken by the wind and as many parts of your home waterproofed so water cannot get inside as possible. If the area outside your home is flooded, do not let children or pets get in these waters, since they are likely contaminated.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
Water Damage Miami and
water damage restoration in atlanta companies.

Getting Rid of Basement Moisture

Not all homes have basements, but for those of us who do have them, they can either be a blessing or a curse. You can use this area of your house for many different things, including an extra bedroom, a family room, entertainment area, laundry room, and just about anything else you can think of. If the basement is humid or has an odor, though, you will want to spend as little time as possible there and you will lose all of your basement’s potential.

Basement humidity problems can come from a variety of sources. It can come from keeping wet clothing in the washer too long on a regular basis, having the clothes dryer improperly vented to the outside of the house or just not vented at all, from water leaks inside the house, or from water leaking in from the outside.

If the problem is an indoor one, you can consider installing a dehumidifier in the basement to help alleviate some of the problem. Having energy efficient windows can also help with reducing humidity and so can installing an exhaust fan in the ceiling to help push some of the moist air outside the house. If you are going to install an exhaust fan, though, be sure to pick one that is appropriate for the size basement that you have. It should even be a little stronger, if you can afford it. Using the minimum is often not recommended and problems with new home constructions are often due to the builder using cheap (but building code approved) products.

Fixing leaks in the concrete walls of your basement used to be time consuming and expensive, but most cracks in concrete walls can now be fixed with an injection of concrete by using a normal caulking gun that you can purchase from a hardware store. You should be able to do this yourself without much difficulty, but if you doubt your ability, find someone who has experience with these things.

If water is coming in the basement from outside the house or through the windows, consider having the window wells replaced and the soil around the home piled up a little higher so water does not settle around the foundation and form a puddle. This is usually the cause of water seeping into the basement from the outside, but another problem could be ground water. You have a little less control over ground water, but you can install a drainage system to help with this, too.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
Los Angeles water damage and restoration services and Denver water damage restoration companies.